Let’s make it easier to vote and harder to cheat
Wyoming FREE is about one thing — freedom. The freedom to choose your representatives. We must preserve our Wyoming way of life and we do that by protecting our freedom to have our voice heard in every election.
Advocating for Fair, Reliable, Ethical Elections in Wyoming.
Wyoming FREE is a coalition of Wyoming residents and leaders rooted in rugged individualism dedicated to protecting your freedom in our elections. We must:
Keep public money out of private elections*
Keep elections secure and reliable and support our County Clerks
Keep politicians accountable
*Wyoming taxpayers pay for the Republican and Democratic parties’ internal elections in the Wyoming Primary Election. Despite having to pay for these private elections, Independents, unaffiliated, and other third-party voters do not get to vote in the Primary Election and are excluded from having a voice in the August Primary.
Wyoming Values, Wyoming’s Choice

Wyoming has a long tradition of independence, self-reliance, and accountability. These values should stand at the forefront of our elections. We need our elected officials to have broad support and truly represent their communities.
What people around Wyoming are saying…
"I think we are denying too many people the opportunity to participate in a one-party state in the election that really counts.”
— State Senator Charlie Scott, floor testimony on HB 103
"Let’s give more power to voters to hold politicians accountable for the messes they create and the messes they've ignored.”
— Josh Dillinger, Campbell County Republican
Lawmakers file whopping 45 bills to remake Wyoming elections
Wyoming lawmakers filed a whopping 45 election-related bills in the 2025 general session — accounting for about 8% of all legislation in both the House and the Senate this year.
Most of the bills are sponsored by Wyoming Freedom Caucus members and allies, who say voters gave them a loud and clear mandate via the very system they now seek to reform.
Wyoming Election Year Survey, 2024
In the month leading up to the 2024 general election, Wyoming residents were surveyed on a number of issues relevant to the population. The biennial survey of Wyoming residents is conducted by UW’s School of Politics, Public Affairs, and International Studies in partnership with the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center. The questions focus on attitudes toward government, elected officials, candidates for office, and contemporary policy issues.
McDaniel: 'Apathetic majority' conceding Wyoming's future to radicals
The final decisions about who represents most citizens is made in the August primary, not November’s general election. That’s why it matters that the 2024 primary election was boycotted by three-fourths of Wyoming’s eligible voters. The non-voters are not to be confused with the “silent majority.” They are the “apathetic majority.”
Talk in the 10: 'Concerns' about the Wyoming Freedom Caucus
What about voting rights and adding barriers to Wyoming citizens? The Wyoming Freedom Caucus created and passed (HB103) that took away our right to vote for the candidate of our choice at the primaries. … Some people missed an opportunity to support the candidate of their choice.
100 years ago, a Nebraska Republican fought for democracy reform
Nebraska utilizes a single, nonpartisan open primary. The primary ballot lists all candidates without partisan affiliation. The top two candidates, regardless of party, advance to the general election. That doesn’t mean Nebraska’s elected leaders are free from partisan politics — far from it. What it does mean is that they are able to move the people’s business forward despite those challenges.
Gordon, Gray spar over Wyoming election security
The two disagree on how to prevent non-citizens from voting in Wyoming’s elections. Meanwhile, there’s no evidence of a widespread problem. There have been just three instances of voter fraud convictions in Wyoming in the past 23 years, according to a database created by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
What causes low voter turnout
Alarm bells rang for some politicos and election organizers after finding out only about a quarter of the eligible voting population in Wyoming turned out for the Aug. 20 primary.
Sen. Cale Case, R-Lander: “If someone is entitled to vote and they are discouraged from voting because we make it difficult, isn’t that a harm?”
Low turnout, high cost: Wyoming's primary results shift state to the right
The primary was the first major election held in Wyoming since the elimination of crossover voting in 2023. The state saw its lowest turnout since 2016, with just 122,693 total ballots cast. … The results [were] due to low turnout and the prevalence of negative campaigning.
Lawsuit seeks to overturn Wyoming’s ‘sore loser law'
A Wyoming law prohibiting failed primary election candidates from seeking the same office as an independent in the general election is unconstitutional, claims a lawsuit filed Wednesday afternoon in Laramie County District Court.
Equality State Policy Center highlights risks of hand counting ballots in Wyoming elections
LARAMIE – The Equality State Policy Center released a new brief underscoring the potential risks and consequences associated with proposals to replace machinery with manual hand-counting of ballots in Wyoming elections.
Presidential race isn't the most important on this year's ballot
With everything that’s happened in the past four weeks, it’s no surprise that much of our attention has been focused on national politics this summer.
Op-Ed: Elected officials urge public to 'stand together' in getting 'politics done right'
As citizens of Sweetwater County, we have observed national political campaigns that seek not to enlighten voters and provide them with the necessary information to make an informed choice on election day, but instead resort to malicious and deceptive tactics that leave behind a trail of toxicity that corrodes public trust, undermines civic engagement, and attacks the very foundation of our republic.
What are the stakes for the 2024 elections in Wyoming?
The answer depends on the party and, even more importantly, the caucus. But there’s lots to lose. While lawmakers representing Teton County in the Wyoming Legislature will go unchallenged in the upcoming election, battle lines have been drawn across the state.
Florida Group Influences Wyoming Election, ESG Rules With Chuck Gray’s Help
A trove of emails show that Secretary of State Chuck Gray pushed forward bills and rules on elections and ESG over the past two years that were almost identical to the model legislation brought to him by a Florida lobbying group.
Wyoming county clerks rebuff Secretary of State Gray, keep ballot drop boxes
Wyoming counties that used ballot drop boxes in 2022 will employ them again this year, despite Secretary of State Chuck Gray urging local election officials to ditch them ahead of early voting.
Hand count ballots if you don’t mind mistakes, wasting time and money
A new Wyoming ballot initiative petition drive launched by Brent Bien, Cheryl Aguiar and Rich Weber seeks to require hand tabulation of votes in Wyoming elections. That’s an even worse idea than the other ballot initiative the trio is behind: One that would cut residential property taxes in half.
Removing ballot boxes in Wyoming is a dirty attack on our democracy
Several months ago, when the Secretary of State’s office and the Legislature began bombarding the public with one voter restriction after another, my then 98-year-old father became angry.
Barron: What Happened to ‘Get Out the Vote’
This is an odd new administration. Both Gray and the Legislature’s right wing have been and are working to restrict voter registration. Many other red state are adopting the same strategies and laws; it’s a national right-wing trend, guided by the national Freedom Caucus outfit in D.C.
Voter laws in Wyoming are creating a rift between state's governor, secretary of state
Gordon’s letter argued that Gray did not have the authority to change the voter registration laws and that making the proposed changes circumvented the legislature. “I do not believe it is within the scope of authority delegated to the Secretary of State by law,” added the governor.
Wyoming’s elections will look different this year. Here’s what voters need to know.
How and when Wyoming residents can vote will look different this year. Two election laws related to political party affiliation and absentee voting were added to the books in 2023, making the August primaries the first major election affected by the new regulations.
Gov. Gordon rejects Secretary Gray’s attempt to tighten voter registration requirements
After determining that language in voter registration rules proposed by Secretary of State Chuck Gray exceeds his statutory authority, Gov. Mark Gordon has not approved the proposed rule package. The governor’s action follows the recommendation of the Wyoming Legislature’s Management Council.
Gov. Gordon rejects Secretary of State Gray’s voter residency rules
Gov. Mark Gordon rejected rules proposed by Secretary of State Chuck Gray on the basis that the regulations exceed the scope of the secretary’s legal authority. Wyoming residents are currently required to provide proof of identity when registering to vote. Gray’s rules proposed adding proof of residency to the process. That’s not Gray’s job to decide, Gordon concluded.
Gordon refuses to sign new voter registration rules, sides with Legislature's leadership
The governor said he agreed with Gray that only Wyoming residents should participate in the state’s elections. However, Gordon noted that current data gives no indication that the state’s election system is under significant threat of voter fraud, or is without the ability to investigate and verify voter qualifications.
County Clerk: Hand counting ballots much more expensive and time-consuming
As election season draws near, local governments have gotten pressure from some Wyoming residents to count ballots by hand instead of using machines. Campbell County Clerk Cindy Lovelace said that hand counting ballots would be “a huge undertaking,” and that aside from the fact that state law doesn’t allow for it, the manpower and expense associated with it make the process impractical.
What voters need to know about Wyoming’s elections this year
How and when Wyoming residents can vote will look different this year. Two election laws related to political party affiliation and absentee voting were added to the books in 2023, making the August primaries the first major election affected by the new regulations. -
Wyoming Republicans fractured as the GOP-led state is set for a summer showdown
Wyoming is a supermajority state, with Republicans making up 86 of the state’s 93 legislators. But uniformity doesn’t mean unity, as the widening chasm between the state’s further-right Freedom Caucus and more moderate establishment Republicans has grown in recent years and begun to mirror GOP infighting nationwide.
Wyoming voters may need to re-register ahead of 2024 elections
New challenges for voters include a requirement to register party affiliation 96 days before the primary election, as a result of the political party affiliation declaration bill passed in 2023 that bans crossover voting.
All of Cheyenne's mail to be sorted in Denver as USPS makes sweeping changes
Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray was present at the December meeting, and expressed his concerns about moving mail sorting to Denver. In public statements made at the time, he raised concerns about what moving mail processing to Denver would do for ballots.
Censorship or safety? US Supreme Court to consider Wyoming election buffer zone challenge
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to hear a Wyoming-born First Amendment challenge to the state’s buffer zones restricting campaigning around polling sites.
Voter Purge Means Many Need To Re-Register For The 2024 Election
AARP Wyoming recommends Wyomingites check their voter registration status for 2024 as Wyoming Secretary of State data reveals there are more than 86,000 fewer registered voters in 2024 than in 2022.
Voters may need to reregister ahead of 2024 elections
Wyoming voters may need to reregister to vote after a purge removed 86,000 registered voters, including 646 Johnson County voters, from the rolls. Wyoming law requires county clerks every two years to remove the names of voters who did not vote in the most recent general election.
Carpio: Lawmakers need to protect election workers from intimidation
Marissa Carpio, Policy Director for Equality State Policy Center, writes, “The very people who say they support election integrity voted against it. The same people who advocate for stricter rules for voters because they’re concerned about “what happens in other states” voted against protections here.”
WTE Editorial Board: State legislators need to require disclosure of who's behind attack mailers
Thumbs UP to members of the Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions Commmittee for sponsoring a House joint resolution that would have asked for an amendment to the US Constitution to identify the source of political contributions.
Important Wyoming voting information you need for 2024
This year, we will choose who will be the President of the United States for the next four years and quite a few other important positions. Do you know when you need to jump into action and cast your vote? It's confusing because there are many important dates and information to remember.
Rivera: Join me in supporting HJ2, in order to expose 'dark money' groups
Our tradition of self-reliance and independence is at risk. “Dark money” groups have been flooding our mailboxes with attack ads that fail to disclose who is funding them. Are they from out-of-state special interest groups? We don’t know, and that is a threat to our democracy and our Wyoming way of life.
Lawmakers file resolution bill that addresses ‘dark money’ in political campaigns
Lawmakers are starting to speak out against the anonymous attacks, however. Senate President Ogden Driskill, R-Devils Tower, and House Speaker Rep. Albert Sommers, R-Pinedale, released an op-ed last week that condemned the anonymous mailers and encouraged Wyoming voters to exercise scrutiny in political messaging.
Paul Vogelheim: Make it easier to vote, harder to cheat
Wyoming FREE Board Member Paul Vogelheim writes: We aren’t preventing voter fraud; we’re keeping qualified voters from the ballot box. This is not a conservative value, and it is definitely not a Wyoming value.
Rod Miller: Zombie Werewolf Commie Voter Fraud And Chuck Gray To The Rescue!
Columnist Rod Miller writes: As a champion of limited government and individual freedom, Chuck Gray is proposing a government solution to a problem that really doesn’t exist by imposing restrictions on the individual. That, saddle pals, is the epitome of hypocrisy.
Tom Lubnau: No Thanks, Sec. Gray. We Don't Need Your "Help"
Former House Speaker Lubnau writes: The legislature is in charge of passing laws. Wyoming Statute 22-2-103 says the Secretary of State is “the chief election officer for the state and shall maintain uniformity in the application and operation of the election laws in Wyoming.”
Gray defends voter registration rule proposal in tense public hearing
Under current regulations, residents are required to provide proof of identity when registering to vote in Wyoming. Gray is proposing that proof of residency also be required. More specifically, the proposed rules as written would require anyone registering to vote to provide proof of their residential address.
Comments mixed on Gray's voter registration rule
Sen. Cale Case, R-Lander, who co-chairs the Legislature’s Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee, challenged the secretary of state’s statutory authority to enact election rules to require proof of residency.
Comments mixed on Gray's voter registration rule
Secretary of State Chuck Gray filed a notice of the rule on Dec. 7, which requires that a registered voter’s residential address match the address listed on their valid Wyoming driver’s license or state-issued ID card. At the time, Gray launched a public comment period on the new rule, which ended Friday, the same day as the hearing.
Nonpartisan Organizations Respond to Secretary of State’s Proposed Rules Restricting Voter Access
Nonpartisan organizations, their leaders, and supporters pointed out the impact proposed rules would have on Wyoming voters in the upcoming elections. They emphasized the need to protect voters’ access to the polls while maintaining the current safe, secure, and fair system Wyoming already has.
Wyo. residents debate voter residency rules at public hearing
Impassioned residents and county clerks from across the state responded to Secretary of State Chuck Gray’s proposed voter residency regulations at a public hearing in Cheyenne on Friday, Jan. 26.
Comments mixed on Secretary of State Gray's proposed voter registration rule
What should have been a nonpartisan issue became a heated political debate in the Capitol’s auditorium on Friday, when dozens of people turned out in person and online to comment on a controversial new voter registration rule.
County Clerks, others weigh in on Wyo's new voting requirements
Wyoming FREE, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to fair, reliable and ethical elections, reported that newly enacted voting restrictions could impact the polls. The Cowboy State was one of 11 states to further restrict voting access, sinking its rating to the bottom five in the nation on the Cost of Voting Index.
New Group Says It’s Fighting Restrictive Voting Regulations
There have been significant changes to Wyoming election law in recent years, which makes it harder for people to vote in the state. Wyoming FREE wants lawmakers and the public to consider the difference between what has been happening nationally with elections and what is actually happening in Wyoming.
Wyoming FREE says restrictions limit voter access for 2024 elections
Wyoming voters participating in the 2024 election can expect significant obstacles when accessing the polls, especially for the primary on Aug. 20. The state has become one of the most restrictive states in the nation for voter access.
Wyoming FREE Issue Brief: Wyoming Voter Restrictions
Wyoming FREE’s Issue Brief focuses on the access Wyoming voters have to cast a vote. Wyoming now ranks among the most restrictive states in the nation for voter access — in spite of the Heritage Foundation finding zero instances of fraud in WY in a decade.
Older Residents Will Suffer
Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray proposed a change to the state’s voter registration process that will add to county clerks’ workload and make it harder for many folks to vote, especially rural residents and our older voters.
County clerks have ‘significant concerns’ with proposed voter registration rule change
Secretary of State Chuck Gray is proposing voters provide proof of residency when registering, but county clerks say it will create lengthy Election Day delays, without addressing existing problems.
County Clerks' Association of Wyoming Memorandum
CCAW’s position is clear: only Wyoming citizens should be voting in Wyoming elections. We have no indication that there has been a problem in Wyoming with out-of-state residents misrepresenting themselves as residents for the purpose of voting in our elections.
A new law excludes voters. A proposed revision would create further inequity
Wyoming is unique: it is the only state with a constitution that protects the right to political equality. Laws that create special classes of voters and candidates are unconstitutional…
Election Reform Shouldn't Be Taken Lightly
This year, our Wyoming Legislature introduced more than two dozen election-related bills, nearly 8% of the total number of bills introduced this session. Is the security of Wyoming’s election system in doubt?
Wyoming Legislature Addressing Election Security
Wyoming voters have said they’re worried about election integrity. The Legislature has responded with a slew of new bills aimed to address those concerns, three of which passed initial legislative hurdles in 2023.
More Wyomingites Write-in Candidates
A record number of voters wrote-in candidates for the secretary of state general election in 2020. To ensure that the voices of Wyoming voters are heard, we should work harder to understand why.

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